Rise & Build


Dear Generations Church Family,

We have experienced tremendous growth in our church throughout the last year, especially in the past six months. We are out of kids' ministry space. What a great problem to have!

I have been meditating on Nehemiah Chapter 2 for several weeks now. Though steps of faith can be difficult, they are always worth it. I know now that it is time to RISE & BUILD!

"And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, "Let us rise up and build." So they strengthened their hands for the good work." - Nehemiah 2:18

We have recently explored options to expand our space and are excited to be developing a new family life center in our back warehouse. It will be called the "Whitlow Family Life Center" in honor of our previous Pastors, Randy and Carole Whitlow. This incredible facility will be multi-purpose on Wednesday nights for adults/kids and Sunday mornings for kids ministry. We will also use this facility throughout the week to continue to grow our Dream Center Ministries, such as Smart School.

We believe good stewardship is a critical component that we practice in our church. It has paved the way for the blessings we are experiencing today. We have been working with the construction company we used for our last remodel during the twelve-week shutdown at the beginning of COVID. As before, we will have quality work and have been blessed with very fair bids.

Phase 1 will include spray foam insulation, walls/trim, electrical, HVAC, & flooring. The purpose of this phase is to use the space quickly as we raise the money needed to finish the facility.

Phase 1 Cost: $148,000 Completion Goal: December 2023

Our Wednesday night ministries continue to flourish and grow every week. We are so grateful for our incredible team of ladies who make delicious hot meals on Wednesdays and Sundays. As Sundays and Wednesdays continue to grow, they need a real kitchen! We also need designated kids' bathrooms for the kids' ministry for the flow of people and safety.

Phase 2 will include bathrooms in our new family life center, plumbing, electrical, a brand new almost 650 sq foot kitchen, and a serving area full of everything our Hungry Hearts team will need!

Phase 2 Cost: $175,000 Completion Goal: March 2024

Total cost for Phase 1 & Phase 2: $324,000

We would love for you to pray about being a part of this project financially. You can give financially in the building or online at www.GenerationsGuthrie.com/give. Select "Rise & Build Building Improvement" fund from the drop-down menu if giving online. We would also like you to consider a one-time or monthly faith promise as God provides. You can do this on the attached pledge card.

Great days ahead, RISE & BUILD!

-Pastor Josh Seabolt

Click here to give towards Rise & Build.